Unique Affiliate Code Usage Stats Capture
under review
Alex Moy
Currently, the only place you can see if an affiliate has had a customer submit a code is via the 'Promo Codes' section within the affiliate page or within the 'Coupon' > 'Promo Codes' where you can see how many times the code is redeemed.
There does not seem to be any other feedback for the affiliate promo code redemption which is important for us to track.
Likewise, on the Affiliate Portal, there's no indication of promo code redemption.
Please add a way to display this both on the Affiliate Portal and also within the Admin Portal.
Abdulsamad Aliyu
under review
Alex Moy
See within the Affiliate Portal, I don't have any tracking for codes or code redemption.
Within the Admin Portal, the only place I can see the code redemption is under the specific affiliate all the way down in the 'Promo Codes' section.
Let me know if it's located elsewhere on the affiliate portal. We're planning to push out to our current users, but we need to confirm that they'll be able to see coupon redemption as soon as they're used.
Abdulsamad Aliyu
Alex Moy: On the affiliate portal if you click on "Promote" button on the top at the navbar, it opens up the affiliate's coupons and they can see how many times a code was redeemed there as well.
Also, on the admin portal, there are 3 ways to view how many times a coupon was redeemed:
- On the coupons page
- on a specific coupon page, each promo code there has it's usage stat
- On a specific affiliate page.
I'll go ahead and close this because we're not planning on putting coupon usage specifically front and center in the app, although they're already easy to access. The app is meant to show referral statistics front and center.
Abdulsamad Aliyu
I'm not sure I understand the question properly, currently, on the affiliate page for a specific affiliate, you can see how many times the code was redeemed